“To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven”. Ecclesiastes 3:1
Have you recognized the change in the weather lately? You know what that means? A change is coming over the land, well, a change for the midwestern states anyway. Fall is probably one of the most prominent seasons to see the beauty of God’s hands wrapped in the colors that surround us. Leaves fall, we put on sweaters, we warm up with apple cider and fire places. It’s all good.
We live our entire life with change. We change as we get older, we change as we release our children to grow up on their own. We change as we adjust to the people we love in our lives and one day witness them leave. We grow, we work, we change schools, we move, our dogs die, and we adjust.
There are so many stories today, of individuals and movements that have set out to change the world. Such victories consist of overcoming cancer, feeding the hungry, saving children from the sex trafficking, saving the unborn, protecting the earth, and a host of other good intentions.
One thought that keeps me going is “no matter how much I want to change the world, the world only changes, as I learn to change myself”. Investing in my personal growth and development is key for change. Setting goals, creating new ways of learning, is great life changing skills. But the greatest life changing skill is knowing the one who holds the world in His hands. When we grow in the knowledge of God and live according to His word we find ourselves living in the highest realm possible. When we seek God in prayer, we are speaking to the King above all Kings, the Lord above all Lords. God is greater than any politician, any government, any upcoming election, any world power,”He is the world power”. And the best part, He is with those that love and seek Him and He answers their prayers.
So, the weather is changing among a host of other things. Take heed, change is inevitable. Lean into the swirling changes, lean into God, He’s the only change that truly lasts.
Michelle Obleton
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I hope you found this blog helpful & Inspiratonal. I am married to a remarkable Pastor, so I am honored to participate in ministry alongside him. My greatest contribution to my hubby is my commitment to pray and support him as he leads God’s church and to empower the women of WCC through WINGS and now through blogging.