Friendship. Faith. Fellowship. And Love.

women ministry




Women in Godly Services

Welcome to Women in Godly Services! A ministry dedicated to the evolution of all women through prayer, bible study and communion with one another. As women, we need to know we can lean on each other anytime we are in need and that’s what this powerful ministry is dedicated to providing. This is a safe house for women to gather to nurture and encourage each other on our journey through life. Thank you for walking with me and I look forward to our growth together.

What is WINGS?

WINGS ministry provides a sensitive, authentic, innovative and supportive community women’s ministry which is both culturally relevant and biblical-based where women are challenged to develop in Christ.

What Ministries are included?

Through WINGS Ladies Bible Study, WINGLETS (Young Girls Ministry), Community Outreach, Counseling, Special Events and WINGS Christian Bookstore.


We Are A Ministry & A Community

As Women, we seek and thrive on fellowship and bible studies as a great way to make friends, identify prayer partners and grow in your faith. Studying the Bible deeply and on a personal level as well as connecting with other women of all ages; will give all who attend the opportunity to explore the meaningful questions of their relationship with Jesus Christ and connect with other women in conversations about things that matter to them.

As part of this new venture, I want you to get to know me while I learn more about you. I love to teach. My mother was a teacher. She treasured teaching in the public school system as well as teaching her 11 children at home. Throughout my life, I have embraced this same love for teaching that my mother exercised. I home-schooled my own two lovable children who are now young adults. I also teach children in a Christian school, and I teach women weekly in an awesome Bible study called WINGS. Wow that’s a lot and can you believe I went back to school to finish a Master’s degree?

I am married to a remarkable Pastor, so I am honored to participate in ministry alongside him. My greatest contribution to my hubby is my commitment to pray and support him as he leads God’s church and to empower the women of WCC through WINGS and now through blogging.  I will keep you posted on upcoming events.  



Weekly Inspirational Blogs & News

Beautiful Profile Image of First_Lady of Waukegan Community Church

Change is Coming

Dare to Dream

Back to School Prayer

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