The earth is the LORD’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas and established it upon the floods.Who shall ascend into the hills of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?
Well, it’s official. The final days of 2023 are winding down and a new year is on the rise. I would like to offer up a prayer for the year 2024. I am excited about the new year coming. I also know “Unless the Lord builds the house, we labor is vain, Unless the Lord guards the “city” we watch in vain”.
Dear Heavenly Father.
Father, I am taking time to magnify, praise, and exalt your name. How excellent is your name in all the earth. There is none like you. Thank you for your great keeping power. You have blessed us with good things, comforted us in hard times, and challenged us to grow more like Jesus every day. We know that even when we can’t see it or feel it. You are always working on our behalf.
As we embark on a year with many uncertainties, we know nothing will happen without your knowledge, your understanding, and even your will. So, this prayer is contingent on the world connecting to you in greater ways this year. To know you and to have a deeper understanding of your Word is the beginning of this prayer. May our personal relationship with you get stronger. Help us to seek you daily, in good times and when times are not so good.
Give us courage to face global and national concerns especially with 2024 bringing in a new presidential election. Let your peace reign over the nation dispelling conflicts and promoting unity. I lift all the leaders of our nation up, that they may govern with wisdom, justice, and righteousness not for some people, but for all people. Give us a spirit of generosity across our nation. Give us the courage to stand up for justice and to speak up when the opportunity presents itself.
Bless the younger generations that they walk not under counsel or influence of the ungodly. Help them always choose what is good over bad, right over wrong and what is godly over evil. Help them choose the right friends and acquaintances. Please keep the domination of social media from robbing all their time but allow them to use their own minds for ideas and productivity.
In you, O Lord our God, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty for all that is in the earth. Amen.
Michelle Obleton
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I hope you found this blog helpful & Inspiratonal. I am married to a remarkable Pastor, so I am honored to participate in ministry alongside him. My greatest contribution to my hubby is my commitment to pray and support him as he leads God’s church and to empower the women of WCC through WINGS and now through blogging.