Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed. 2 Timothy 2:15
As an educator, I spend a lot of time speaking to the students I serve about taking advantage of school opportunities, and aiming for good grades. Sometimes they look at me as if to say, why are grades so important? It appears as if they are trying to just get through the day. Some students have confessed they spend more time on video games and social media than doing homework. Some come to school tired from playing various games online late into the night. One student smiled at me and said I am shooting for C’s. I pulled him aside along with several other students and gave them a passionate talk. This is what I said.
Do not shoot for C’s, C’s mean average, and you are far above average. Start right now in elementary school, to set a high standard of getting good grades. Develop the habit of high achievement. Strive for a high GPA (grade point average) today, right now. By the time you are attending middle and high school you are already on a row! Good grades also demonstrate a strong work ethic, ability to manage time effectively, critical thinking skills, and dedication to learning, which are highly valued by schools and employers.
As a senior from high school your grades will help you get into prestigious colleges and universities. Good grades can also eliminate college tuition by way of scholarships which can save so much money for you and for your parents. As a student of a prestigious college you have a greater chance of being selected for graduate school and internships that specialize in the scope of your career path. Good grades can lead to great job offers, higher salaries, networking opportunities in competitive fields, and long term financial stability. Finally, (Hoping they were still with me), consistent academic success fosters a sense of achievement and boosts self-confidence, which can motivate you to aim higher in life.
So what do you think about getting good grades now, I asked? They smiled, as if they understood. Sadly, I believe video games still win the hearts of our students. Deep down I realize this is not a one time discussion, and that my goal is to find various ways and methods of allowing this truth to sink deeper into their thought process, especially while they are still young and under my instructions. It is my goal to continue to challenge the minds of my students. God is also pleased when we set out with diligence to study the Bible or any other learning experience. While video games have their place, I believe setting a trend for academic success is far more important. It is all about striving for greater success in life. So let me ask the question to you, reading this blog, “are you striving for greater success”? Then Get Good Grades.
Michelle Obleton
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I hope you found this blog helpful & Inspiratonal. I am married to a remarkable Pastor, so I am honored to participate in ministry alongside him. My greatest contribution to my hubby is my commitment to pray and support him as he leads God’s church and to empower the women of WCC through WINGS and now through blogging.